Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

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Pucker Up: Get Your Lips Wedding Ready


Lips usually failed to receive attention but by taking a few simple steps you can have luscious lips for your wedding!

Softly exfoliate you lips to remove dead surface skin and reveals healthy skin underneath.
Before bed every night apply a thin layer of aquaphor or vasoline which will help bind moisture to your lips. What are you waiting for? Get ready to pucker up!

I'm addicted to Lush Lip Scrubs. There are so many to choose from -- just pick your favorite flavor!

If you're more of a DIY gal, try this brown sugar lip scrub! It's simple to make and very yummy.

Brown Sugar Lip Scrub

1 tablespoon Raw Coconut Oil {Note: Extra virgin olive oil can be substituted}
2 teaspoons Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon Honey
Small glass jar

1. Combine all ingredients in a small glass jar or container 
2. Scoop a tiny amount onto your finger and gently rub on lips, moving in a circular motion for about one minute. 
3.Rinse with a warm damp cloth and voila! Soft, kissable lips!

Use once per week!

Thanks so much to Kristen Kaven and the team over at Montage Salon and Spa! The crew at Montage can help determine the best skincare routine to make sure you are glowing for your big day. They also provide hair and makeup services! Call 630.488.7198 to make an appointment, or visit montagesalonandspa.com for more information. 

Image via.

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