Rabu, 17 Desember 2014

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Kandy & Michael's Gorgeous Maui Sunset Wedding - by Simple Maui Wedding

Kandy & Michael were married last weekend at Southside Beach in the company of their closest friends and family. They had a very special ceremony by Reverend Valentine Rosete. During the ceremony they presented each one of their guests with a lei thanking them for making the trip to Maui for their wedding. Staff photographer Naomi took Kandy & Michael's pictures with the epic Maui sky in the background. It's not every night we get a gorgeous sunset but Kandy & Michael sure had one to remember. Thank you so much Kandy & Michael for choosing Simple Maui Wedding to coordinate and photography your Maui wedding day!

Maui Wedding

Maui Weddings

Maui Sunset Weddings

Maui Sunset Wedding

Maui Wedding Photography

Maui Wedding Photographer

Maui Beach Wedding by Simple Maui Wedding
Maui Wedding Photography: Naomi of Karma Hill Photography
Officiant: Reverend Valentine Rosete
Bouquet Design: Dellables
Location: Southside Beach
Time: Sunset

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